The Unforgiven: 1960 Western Movie

The Unforgiven from 1960; starring Burt Lancaster, Audrey Hepburn, Audie Murphy, John Saxon; with Albert Salmi and Doug McClure

A Breed Apart ... Unashamed ... Unconquerable ... Unforgettable!

The Unforgiven from 1960; starring Burt Lancaster, Audrey Hepburn, Audie Murphy, John Saxon; with Albert Salmi and Doug McClure

The Unforgiven from 1960; starring Burt Lancaster, Audrey Hepburn, Audie Murphy, John Saxon; with Albert Salmi and Doug McClure
Director: John Huston

Writers: Ben Maddow (screenplay), Alan Le May (based on a novel by)

IMDb Movie Outline: The neighbors of a frontier family turn on them when it is suspected that their adopted daughter was stolen from the local Kiowa tribe.

  • Also known as: The Siege at Dancing Bird
  • Filming locations: Durango, Mexico
  • Rating/Certificate: Approved
  • Release date: April 6, 1960 (United States)
  • Runtime: 2hr, 5min


  • "The Unforgiven" was Audrey Hepburn's only Western.
  • According to Audie Murphy's biographer Don Graham, the script called for Burt Lancaster to slap him. That enraged the war hero to such a degree that witnesses thought that Murphy, who carried a gun, might have killed Lancaster under different circumstances. John Huston eventually defused the situation.
  • John Huston intended the film as a response to John Ford's The Searchers (1956).

Trivia & Movie Info Source

The Unforgiven (1960) Original Trailer in HD on YouTube:

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